About us

We Are The Home For Unsigned Artists.

A little about us

Shropshire based. Unsigned Artist Music promoter.

We started Hubb UK as a fresh new music station, After months on the air we had gained a good following. But our hearts were not in what we were doing. The station closed, The social accounts went dormant and Hubb UK was no more.

After about a year we decided we wanted to bring Hubb back but for Unsigned Artists. We gained more exposure than ever before Artists wanted our help to get them out there and we enjoyed every second of it.

2024 brought the rebranding as The Hubb

We found a love our passion for helping unsigned artists get their music heard.

Discovering and nurturing new talent is at the heart of what we do, and there’s an incomparable joy in witnessing the journey of unsigned artists as they share their music with the world. Our passion for elevating these hidden gems drives us every day, offering a platform where their voices can be heard, their stories told, and their dreams realized. The excitement of uncovering a unique sound or a powerful lyric is matched only by the satisfaction of seeing these artists grow, connect with audiences, and begin to carve their own paths in the music industry. At its core, our work is fueled by the belief in the transformative power of music and the endless potential of those who create it.

We Are The Home For Unsigned Artists.

Ashley Griffiths
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